If you have a tip or would like to add a case to the web site, call the New Jersey State Police, Missing Persons Unit at
#609-882-2000, extension x2554.
E-Mail Contact: missingpinformation@njsp.gov
Victor was last seen on May 10, 2000. He does have a scar on his abdomen. He was last seen wearing jeans and "Timberland" boots. He had on a gold ring and a platinum "Rolex" watch. Dental is attached to his NCIC record. Any further information, please contact North Bergen Twp Police Department at 201-392-2100
NIC # | CASE # |
M380733657 | 00026504 |
Date of Last Contact | County |
05/10/2000 | Hudson |
Sex | Male |
Race | Black |
Age | 49 |
Height | 5' 08'' |
Weight | 140 |
Hair | Brown |
Eyes | Brown |
Complextion | Light Brown |