If you have a tip or would like to add a case to the web site, call the New Jersey State Police, Missing Persons Unit at
#609-882-2000, extension x2554.
E-Mail Contact: missingpinformation@njsp.gov
Charles was last seen on December 17, 1999 in the vicinity of the 300 block of Warren Street in Gloucester City, NJ. He was last seen wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt, jeans, white socks, and white athletic shoes. He does have a raised mole on his abdomen, a previous fractured right wrist, right ankle, and clavical. He does have two missing front teeth. Any further information, please contact Gloucester City Police Department at #856-456-0900
NIC # | CASE # |
M690401043 | 990289145 |
Date of Last Contact | County |
12/17/1999 | Camden |
Sex | Male |
Race | White |
Age | 72 |
Height | 6' 01'' |
Weight | 160 |
Hair | Blonde |
Eyes | Blue |
Complextion | Ruddy |