If you have a tip or would like to add a case to the web site, call the New Jersey State Police, Missing Persons Unit at
#609-882-2000, extension x2554.
E-Mail Contact: missingpinformation@njsp.gov
On June 23, 2002 Jyrine was reported missing to the Irvington Police Department. The last time that Jyrine was seen was at 1:00am on the same date. At that time, he was seen sleeping in his bed and was wearing a diaper with Muppet characters on them. Jyrine has a scar above his right eyebrow and a cast on his right leg from his knee to his toes. This cast had writing on it, "Get well soon fat boy." Any further information, please contact Irvington Police Department at 973-399-6600
NIC # | CASE # |
M622503119 | 02-28954 |
Date of Last Contact | County |
06/23/2002 | Essex |
Sex | Male |
Race | Black |
Age | 25 |
Height | 2' 00'' |
Weight | 32 |
Hair | Black |
Eyes | Black |
Complextion | Medium |